"Nagasizu-tenugui Project" was realized in the website "READY FOR?", one of the crowdfunding platform in Japan. In the project, tenugui, a traditional cloth in Japan like a towel, is produced and taken to people in Nagashimizu district in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, the sponsors and the architects overseas. The district was damaged by Tsunami on March 11th, 2011
I received nagashizu tenugui, too. It is in the motif of wave and its color is vivid. This design empowers me! I have not talked to people in Nagashimizu district. Each time I use it, I will remember that they and sponsors use the same tenugui. It is a landmark for reconstruction, very small but lasting. To be honest, the memory of the disaster will fade away in time, but we can bring back it. I think nagashizu tenugui is a landmark to bring back "3.11."
"Nobody can hate the sea they are always with." Risa Komuro said. She planned the project. I was impressed by her words and decided to support the project. When applying the words to me, I think my hometown, "Azumino," the land around many mountains in Nagano Prefecture, Japan. If encounter a disaster such as a landslide, do I hate the mountains? I can not answer about it. If that, can I remember what I felt in having a sympathy with the project? I want me to do, now.
(Originally written on September 15th, 2011 and edited for re-post.)